Dog Licenses

The Town Clerk's Office acts as the issuing agent for dog licenses in the Town of Elma. Regulations are covered in Chapter 65 of the Code of the Town of Elma.

The Elma Dog Control Officer is Sharon Foersch. She can be reached at 334-5610.

Anyone harboring a dog over the age of four (4) months must obtain a dog's license.

To obtain a dog's license you need:

- proof of a current rabies vaccination
- if the dog is spayed/neutered, a certified certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian must be presented.

Dog license fees are as follows:

     - spayed/neutered dogs - $6.00
     - unspayed/unneutered dogs - $14.00

Town of Elma Leash Law:

The Town of Elma requires dog owners to keep their pets under restraint at all times if off their property. Any dog found running loose or at large is subject to seizure.
Pursuant to the Dog Ordinance for the Town of Elma, fees are imposed upon the dog owner for the costs of seizure and impounding.