Town Clerk

Town Clerk: Patricia A King
Phone: 716.652.3260 ext. 4
Fax: 716.652.3560
Email: The Town Clerk
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm
Deputy Town Clerks: Jennifer M. Ginter & Tara M. Grambo

Marriage Licenses are issued between 8:00 AM & 3:00 PM ONLY.

Click here to view taxes online




        I, Patricia A King, Town Clerk for the Town of Elma, County of Erie, State of New York, having received the Tax Roll Warrant for the year 2021, will collect same at the Elma Town Hall, 1600 Bowen Road, Elma,  New York, on the following days and times.

                                                    September 15, 2021 thru October 13, 2021
Monday thru Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
October 14, 2021 and October 15, 2021
    Thursday & Friday -  8:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    TAKE NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before October 15, 2021 without penalty. Thereafter, there shall be added a fee of seven and one half percent (7.5%) thru October 31, 2021. From November 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021 the interest rate is nine percent (9%). Taxes that are unpaid after November 30, 2021 will be returned to the County and added to the 2022 County Tax Roll as a Relieved School Tax unless paid to the County by December 31, 2021.   

Patricia A. King

Town Clerk

Town of Elma

Important Dates


Miscellaneous Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Other Duties

Professional Memberships
New York State Town Clerks Association. NYSTCA is an organization dedicated to promoting the professional development of Town Clerks across the State of New York as administrative leaders. Membership offers specialized assistance and continuing education relative to professional and personal improvement.
New York Association of Local Government Records Officers. NYALGRO is an organization of Records Management Clerks from across the State committed to development of sound records management programs and the promotion of support for the preservation of valuable archival records and increasing access to these records.

The office of the Town Clerk is historical in its traditions, having served as a direct link between the residents and their local governments since Biblical timesG¦¬ Acts, Chapter 19, and Verse 35 G¦úG¦¬and when the Town Clerk had appeased the peopleG¦¬.G¦Ñ.

While Town Clerks are generally credited with issuing licenses, that is only a small part of this complex job. Many duties are mandated by law, but many more go well beyond those mandates with Town Clerks serving as a major source of information.


Public Relations Officer
Must be dedicated to the community, informative, patient, cheerful and compassionate, possess the ability to listen and advise, be receptive to new ideas, and able to maintain a sense of humor while performing duties in a professional manner. Generally considered the center of local government, this office conveys a lasting impression of the community to all who enter.

Recording Secretary
Authors minute books, the only official record of the activities of Town government. The resulting volumes are retained permanently for legal and historic purposes.

Records Management Officer
Custodian of all Town records, responsible for active files, storage and disposition of inactive records and the careful maintenance of archival material. Administrator of the Freedom of Information Law which guarantees your right to know the workings of government.

Filing Officer
Maintains records of adopted Town Ordinances and Local Laws, Town Oaths of Office, resignations, petitions, proof of publications, annual budgets, fiscal reports, bonds, zoning ordinances and maps. Maintains public signboard, advertises and receives bids for purchase of Town materials, files burial permits from cemeteries located within the Town.

Licensing Officer
Issues State license/permits, including marriage, dog, conservation (hunting and fishing), going out of business, games of chance and bingo. Issues Town licenses/permits mandated by Local Law (e.g. solicitors, block party, etc.)

Election Coordinator
In accordance with federal and State regulations, the Town Clerk becomes the coordinator for Primary and General Elections, advising the State of vacancies for elections, overseeing polling places and equipment, election inspectors and filing of boundaries for election districts. In addition, the Town Clerk files official notices of registration day and polling places, oversees special Town elections, permissive or mandatory referendums and Town acquisitions of property. The Office of the Town Clerk serves as the source for voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications.

Handicapped Parking Permits
Issues handicapped parking permits to town residents. Applications are available in Town ClerkG¦+s Office (or on this website) and require certification by physician.

Registrar of Vital Statistics
Keeper of all birth, death and marriage records within the Town of Elma, issues birth, death, marriage certificates, burial permits, as well as conducting genealogical searches.

Cash Control Officer
Is responsible for numerous duties relating to the collection and disbursement of funds. All incoming cash is recorded and disbursed to State, County and local fiscal officers. The Town Clerk also contributes to Town and departmental budget preparation, management of petty cash, general purchasing, and assisting with State and internal audits.